Family Dinner at Sate khas Senayan

Every weekend we always try to have an energizing family time. Usually, I will search for any new places that comfortable to hang out there with our little super boy. It could be park, zoo, museum or else. But when you have tight schedule mall is the best place to visit. Hahaha.. 

It doesn't have to be always about shopping rite? In the mall we can take our children to a bookstore. Nowadays, there are Malls that often doing some kids activities. One Mall that we used to come is Kota Kasablanka. Groceries, shopping or window shopping, come to any events and also food experience all can be done here. Yup, we all love munching every kind of food. Lucky us, Rafa is very easy to be taken to any new places. As long as they served rice or noodle, we are safe. Ha!

We love to try any western restaurants, but of course Indonesian restaurants are always tempting. So recently, we decided to have an early dinner at Sate Khas Senayan. All of the food that we've been ordered were fit to our taste. Let the pictures do their job..

We call it "Sekoteng". For those who haven't tried it, it was ginger infused water with bread, baked nut, cendol and Kolang kaling as the filling.

For our little Tazmania, since he always move everywhere, we ordered this yummy " Nasi Uduk ". Psstt, he ate them all except the spicy tempeh.

This yummy food is mine, Tahu Telor. The best part of Tahu Telor at Sate Khas Senayan is that they served it with thin but not crispy mixed dough, bakwan

This were my hubby's. He ordered Lontong Cap Go Meh. This one also very yummy and pleased our tummy. 

After we finished or dinner, here are some of our family time moment. 

So, if you are looking for Indonesian Restaurant with yummy food, great service, fair price and nice ambience you should come to Sate Khas Senayan at Kota Kasablanka. 

Sate Khas Senayan
Kota Kasablanka 
Lantai UG
Money amount : Almost IDR 200.000
Definitely will come back again.


  1. One of my favorite restaurant too..yummmy

  2. Replies
    1. enak yaa.. makasi tante, jd stelah makan kenyang udh siap deh pose2.

  3. Kok makanannya kece2 yaaa... bikin ngilerrr....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi salam kenal. Randomly klik blog ini di ihblogger list, jadilah blogwalking ke sini, hehehe. Samaan sering jg ke kokas, tp ke sate khas senayannya baru skali. Tp tampak dr foto2nya menu pesanan mba enak2 yaaaa..hehehe..

    1. halo, salam kenal juga. toss dong sesama pecinta kokas. haha.. ayo mampir lg n peaan..

    2. Tosss banget, hahaha. Mall gede yang paling deket sm rumah. Smp sering dicengin lurahnya kokas, hahaha. Mungkin suatu waktu kita bumped in Kokas mba, hohoho.

  6. lucunyaa rafa. nanti kalo kita kopdaran lagi jangan bobo dulu yaa rafa. kenalan dulu sama tante amuth :D

    1. hahaha... siap tante. tapi tante siap2 keberisikan krn rafa cerewet dan ga bs diem yaa.. haha

  7. pengen tahu telornya, kok keliatannya enak banget yah apa karena sekarang lagi ujan *elus lemak perut*

    1. enak beneran ini makk. kuahnya jg pas.. mana ada kacangnya yg diulek jg d kuahnya. slurrppp..

  8. maak..lontong cap gomehnya juara deh di sate senayan mah.. :D

    1. iyaaa... suamiku blg dr bbrp resto sejenis, sate senayan paling enakkk

  9. first time mlipir.. salam kenal maakk.... aku pribadi belum pernah coba sih, tetapi kelihatannya enak yaa.. hehehe

    1. selamat datangg.. salam kenal juga mak. yuka mari dicoba dulu..

  10. wah, mbak ayu gak pesen satenya. beruntunglah. hehehe.
    soalnya pengalaman sih sate disana kurang enak, enakan beli di mamang gerobak.
    ya walu balik lagi soal selera ya. hehehe.
    tapi tahu telornya emang juara sih.
    salam kenal :))

    1. wahhh, iyakah? aku pas plg blg sm suamiku kok qta ga pesan satenya ya? hehe.. tp kmrn pas aku makan sate yg dr menu Rafa sih enak2 aja. mdh2an nanti klo kita sama2 balik k sate senayan lg sudah nggak gitu lagi ya..

  11. Replies
    1. enak mbak. kuahnya kentalnya pas. maknyuss lah..

  12. aku belum pernah ke sate senayan di kokassss... tapi yang udah-udah emang rasanya enak sih...jadi laper baca postingan ini T_T

  13. Waaaah..kalo ke jakarta musti ke sini nih.. *masukin list*
    salam kenal mbaaa...aku jatuh cinta dg anaknya mba..lucu bangeeet kayanya..😘

  14. lontong cap gomehnya g kuat liatnya mb, jadi pingin mb

  15. wahh anak nya lucu banget kak , pipi nya kayak bakpaooo
