.. I Love U ..

“The day will come
When my body no longer exists
But in the lines of this poem
I will never let you be alone

The day will come
When my voice is no longer heard
But within the words of this poem
I will continue to watch over you

The day will come
When my dreams are no longer known
But in the spaces found in the letters of this poem
I will never tired of looking for you” 
― Sapardi Djoko Damono

Please don't think it's funny..
When I want a hug from U
Because there's a lot of time,
I need your warmth..

Please don't think it's funny..
When I want a kiss from you
Because the sweetness of it,
excelled the honey..

Please don't think it's funny..
When I want you to hold me tight
Because there's a time,
I'm scared to loose you..

Please don't think it's funny..
When I want to watch your smile
Because for the whole of my life,
I don't want to forget my lover..

8.11.09 - 8.11.13

4 tahun
semoga Allah senantiasa mencurahkan kasih sayang dan berkahNya pada keluarga kami, mengampuni segala khilaf dan salah kami,
menjaga anak-anak serta keluarga kami dan senantiasa melindungi kami agar selalu berada dalam jalanNya sebagai orang -orang yang pandai bersyukur. Amin ya Allah..


  1. Aamiin... hepi anniversary ayu n suami :). Semoga selalu rukun dan bahagia

  2. Happy anniversary, mba ayu...moga langgeng en bahagia selalu ^^

    1. Amin.. makasi ya jeng.. smg lancar kehamilannya smp lahiran dstnya yaaa...
